Company Yolani deals with repair and maintenance of electrical installations and equipment since 2001. In the next two years expanded its project for installation, maintenance and monitoring of diesel generators.

 Company "Yolani" performs construction, repair and maintenance of electrical installations and equipment, as well as measurement of electrical and earthing systems, testing of phase-wire.
Services offered by us:

• Electrical construction and maintenance of electrical installations and
networks to 1000V.
• Testing of cable lines to 1000V, fault detection on them and their removal.
• Installation, maintenance and monitoring of diesel generators
• obtain any required emergency power supply with diesel generators to 75kVA and 30kVA power
• Rental of diesel generators 75 kVA and 30 kVA
• Maintenance of electrical networks and equipment medium voltage to 20kV.
• SUBSCRIPTION maintenance of electrical installations, equipment and diesel
generators 24/7

Repair services:
• Repair and prevention of diesel generators, internal combustion engine and alternator 380V
• Overhaul of DG
• Inspection of the site
• Periodic inspection and prevention of DG
• Monitoring of mechanical and electrical parameters of diesel generators

Spare parts:

• Delivery of spare parts for diesel generators by client
• Delivery on the AVR circuits and components for 380V generators


Where to find us:


Plovdiv, Bulgaria blvd. 111
Contact: 0886/440 407; 032/580 517; 032/942 175
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://yolanibg.com/


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