Taverns in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0888530695; 0885406595

Bansko, 2 Nikola Vaptsarov Sq.

Hotel and restaurant 'Momini Dvori' is located in the old town, right in the heart of the city. Bansko. We rooms are not inferior in any of the rooms of a 5 star hotel, even superior to the original design, while the prices are 4-5 times lower.

Phone number: 05131 3420

Address: Valchi Dol, Stara planina 32

Phone number: 088 8275405

Address: Bankya, ul. Stefan Stambulov 187

Phone number: 088 5405504

Address: Gabrovo, park Gradishte

Phone number: 051538 330

Address: Kalimantsi,

Phone number: 088 7980 383

Address: Plovdiv, ul. Pere Toshev 6

Phone number: 0631 64042

Address: Svishtov, Avksentiy Veleshki 10

Phone number: 087 8656454

Address: Veliko Tarnovo, Angel Kanchev 12