Children's Goods and Toys Shops in Bulgaria


Phone number: 0888434181; 0888299900

Plovdiv, 3 Ivan Arabadzhiata Str., store 2

Meli-M Company is supplier for traditional and stylized folklore costumes. Folklore costumes are with embrodery or another decoration like traditonal history costumes. Meli-M company is owner Miss Match trade mark and is certifited by ISO 9001


Elin Pelin, gara Elin Pelin Keramik 11V

Phone number: 089 448 86 51

Address: Sofia, City Center Sofia,bul. Arsenalski 2

Phone number: 088 7273057

Address: Sofia, ul. G. Benkovski 9A

Phone number: 042 258 049

Address: Stara Zagora, Otets Paisiy 87

Phone number: 089 444 21 12

Address: Stara Zagora, bul. Nikola Petkov 52