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The company is oriented to the needs of other companies and organizations in support of the benefits of equipment, installations, equipment and buildings. As follows: 1.PBX 2. Computer equipment 3.Electrical installations.4.SCS. 5.Construction works

 Basic services "GESKOM", Ltd offers are:
- Installation, repair and servicing telephone and other communication equipment
- Construction, repair, processing and service of structured cabling systems
- Construction, repair, processing and servicing of electrical installations
- Installation and service of computers and network equipment
- Delivery, installation and service of copying and printing equipment
- Supply and install service of air conditioning equipment and


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Ползването на ГЕСКОМ за изграждане и подръжка на електрическите и мрежови инсталации е едно много добро решение.Екипът им се отнася отговорно, работи експедитивно и качествено.можете да заложите на цялостна подръжка ат компютърните мрежи до климатичните инсталации и ще сте доволни.

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