The company owns the river passenger ships. Organize group and individual cruises on the Danube, Rhine, Main, Moselle and others. Sells air and bus tickets. It has its own pontoon in the Danube city of Ruse.
Company Dunav Tours Offers the following cruises on the Danube:
- Cruise Ruse-Passau-Vienna m/k Sofia
- Cruise Vidin Passau Vienna m/k Rousse Prestige
- Cruise Ruse Passau Rouse and m/k Ariana
- Cruise the Danube waves with m/k Sofia from Vienna Austria Slovakia Germany Hungary
- Danube Cruise classic with m/k Ruse Prestizh from Vienna or Budapest Austria Slovakia Germany Hungary.
We also offer services related to organizing holiday in Bulgaria in the winter, sea cruises, celebration of Christmas and New Year in Bulgaria Coldea and New Year abroad, holidays in the mountain and SPA in Bulgaria. We offer bus and plane tickets.
Shipowner of river passenger ships:
M/k Sofia - 210 passengers, built 1984, renovated 2001
M/k Ruse - 210 passengers, built 1984, renovated 2001
M/k Ruse prestige - 164 passengers, built 2004
M/k Heinrich Heine - 110 passengers, built 1990, renovated 2005
M/k Elegant Lady-128 passengers, built 2003
Ariana cruise ship - built in 2012, with 81 cabins, a restaurant with 160 seats.