Alta Bulgaria is on the Bulgarian market since 1992. The companys portfolio is including products under own brands - Ocean, Del Alma, Elabo, Neptun, Mapa, Junngle, Mimosa, etc. and the products under exclusivity - Kent, Kelloggs, Sante, etc.

Alta's portfolio is including more then 400 products in 3 groups: Food products /including pet foods/, Confectionary products and Hausehold and Personal care products. Alta Bulgaria is a market leader in sales of canned tuna. Alta Bulgaria is distributing 3 own brands of tuna fish - Ocean, Elabo and Neptun. Alta Bulgaria is distributing on the Bulgarian market a big numer of high quality products under own brand - Del Alma - olive oils /Extra virgin and Pomace/, olives /in vaccuum, jars, cans/, olive pastes, vegetable oils - soya, corn oil, palm oil, grape seed oil, balsamic vinegar of Modena, apple and wine vinegar. Alta Bulgaria has also cat and dog foods under own brand - Jungle. Alta Bulgaria is also distributing a big number of high quality household and personal care products under own brand - Mimosa - wet wipes, hankies, toilet paper, napkins, scooring sponges, cellulosic antibacterial clothes, aluminium foil, cling film, ice cube bags, microfiber clothes, rubber gloves. Alta Bulgaria has also exclusivity for Kent products - Olips, Jelibon, Bonibon, Topitop lolly pops, Tofita, Toybox. Alta Bulgaria is importing also under exclusivity Kellogg's corn flakes and polish muesli, crinchy and granola under Sante brand.


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Албена Василева 27 Jan 2012 09:55

Фирма "Алта България" предлага изключително висококачествени продукти. Особено любими са ми рибните филета на Ocean в доматен сос, в чеснов сос, в растително масло, както и зехтин Екстра върджин с марка Del Alma.

Слави Василев 26 Jan 2012 10:35


Много съм доволен от продуктите които фирмата предлага.Взимал съм храни за домашни любимци и пордукти за цялото ми семейство.Много успех им пожелавам!

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