Professional Catering Equipment in Bulgaria

De Longhi Service Sofia

Phone number: 0878204957; 029799576

Sofia, G ent., 51 Hemus str.

De Longhi Service Sofia offers advice, diagnosis, repair and servicing of coffee machines with the brand 'De Longhi'. We provide express maintenance services and emergency removal of sudden technical problems with your coffee maker 'De Longhi'.


Phone number: 0898484848; 0898771177

Sofia, 228 Lomsko shose Blvd.

Right Rental is a company that provides rental tents and catering equipment for private, corporate and sports events. We are an established Bulgarian market leader in event management logistics and construction of multipurpose facilities/tents.

Phone number: 044 622862

Address: Sliven, Stefan Karadzha 5

Phone number: 02 946 14 80

Address: Sofia, Prof.M.Bichev 7

Phone number: 056 816435

Address: Burgas, Lazur bl. 106

Phone number: 052 699690

Address: Varna, Makedoniya 92

Phone number: 062 601 304

Address: Veliko Tarnovo, Magistralna 9

Phone number: 0887 888222

Address: Ruse, ul. Pliska 124

Phone number: 052 306 362

Address: Varna, Pchelina